Thursday, June 9, 2022

Kitchen Grids: Who Needs Them and Why?

We at Sinkology love a good sink accessory, especially when it helps in more ways than one. That’s why we love kitchen sink bottom grids. What exactly is a kitchen sink bottom grid? As the name might give away, this sink accessory is placed at the base of the bowl to protect It from everyday use. It’s a beautiful addition to sinks in every finish and incredibly protective for even the highest quality sink made with from the strongest materials.

If you’ve never tried this sink saver, keep reading. You might find that this piece is perfect for you. Some may believe that kitchen sink bottom grids are unnecessary. After all, they’re hidden away at the bottom of the basin, out of sight. But we’re certain the following three types of people can’t live without them:

matte black grid antique bronze gird griffin stainless steel bottom grid


Parents, especially moms and dads of little ones who have irregular sleep schedules, love how this accessory buffers the sound of dishes clanking in the sink. Even disruptive noises that come with washing the biggest pots and pans are muffled by a kitchen sink bottom grid, helping everyone enjoy more restful days and nights. Really, anyone living with a light sleeper or someone working the night shift will benefit because it keeps the high-traffic kitchen open any time of day and the home (relatively) disturbance-free.

rohe bottom grid in angelico copper drop-in sink with dishes


Perfectionists appreciate how a kitchen sink bottom grid prevents pots and pans from scratching their beloved sink basin. This removable piece creates a barrier between the sink and piles of dishes, even the thickest, heaviest cast iron skillets won’t scratch the surface. Not only do these grids protect the kitchen sink finish so it can stay looking its best for years to come, but they also make a perfectly beautiful addition, too. We love the look of the grid’s clean lines that show off the sink’s silhouette. And you’ll love how Sinkology offers an array of sizes, styles and shades to suit any type of sink in all kitchen styles.

gridlogic plate rack stainless steel


Germaphobes love how this attachment keeps their kitchen sink cleaner. This add-on prevents large debris from getting left in the sink or going down the drain, making everyday cleanup easier! A simple rinse-off is all it takes, even in the busiest kitchens. When it’s time for a deeper clean, you won’t need a lot of elbow grease to clean up the grid. Our kitchen sink bottom grids are dishwasher-safe, so they stay looking as pristine as the kitchen sink.  

Even if you don’t have young children at home or are fine with a little bit of a mess, your kitchen sink will love the addition of a bottom grid. Just be sure to find one that is fit to your sink’s size. Scroll through our accessories page to see the options available for your existing Sinkology sink. From classic stainless steel to modern matte black, there’s sure to be one to suit. Need a bit of inspiration? Check out our kitchen sink bottom grids  in our curated All-In-One Kits and discover which finishes pair best with your kitchen’s sink, faucet and drain combination.


If you have any additional questions during your search for the perfect copper, fireclay farmhouse sink or crafted stainless steel sink, our Sinkologists are here to help. Contact us or follow us on FacebookHouzzPinterestInstagram, or TikTok for more helpful tips and design ideas.

The post Kitchen Grids: Who Needs Them and Why? appeared first on Sinkology.


Thursday, June 2, 2022

Why Product Prices Vary

washing dishes in a copper sink.

One of Sinkology’s core values is to keep our products accessible, meaning easy to find and easy to buy. And while direct purchasing on our website isn’t available (yet!), we partner with some of the world’s largest retailers to make sure you have quick access to your favorite kitchen and bathroom sinks.

If you’ve spent time browsing Sinkology products on various websites, you may find that prices for the same product fluctuate from store to store. So, what gives?

Cost Variables
As a company, Sinkology sets the price only for our products themselves. This cost is determined by the materials, labor, shipping, and operational expenses we incur to actually create those gorgeous SureFire farmhouse kitchen sinks and other products. Our costs may change over time as cost of materials and shipping changes, but generally we understand what the cost of creating the sinks will be.

Once the sink goes to our retailer partners, there are additional costs involved that may impact the final price you pay. It becomes a combination of the price of our sink plus whatever additional costs a retailer needs to cover to make the product accessible to you. This can include stocking fees, marketing, store management, shipping, and of course the staff that help you buy the product. While some retailers buy enough of our product to get a discount on bulk purchasing, others buy just enough to meet current demand. 

The end result is that there may be some variations in prices for our products depending on which retailer you’re shopping with and where you’re shopping, as in-store pricing and online pricing can also differ.

spraying out copper sink

One Consistent Guarantee: Quality
Although prices may change from location to location, Sinkology goes to great lengths to find the highest quality materials at the best prices possible. This means that from the very beginning of the manufacturing and design process, we are trying to keep the costs as low as possible for our customers. We know that retailer partners will add their own increases to the price of our sinks, so we control everything we can in the process: materials, base cost, and quality.


If you have any additional questions during your search for the perfect copper, fireclay farmhouse sink or crafted stainless steel sink, our Sinkologists are here to help. Contact us or follow us on FacebookHouzzPinterestInstagram, or TikTok for more helpful tips and design ideas.

The post Why Product Prices Vary appeared first on Sinkology.
