Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Organized Home: Favorite Kitchen Organization Finds (KonMari Style!)

‘Tis the season for KonMari cleaning, right?  After a busy fall and fast holiday season, I feel like my entire house could use a good cleaning and organizing spree.  I’ve been trying to tackle various areas of my home over the last couple of weeks, but I have to admit…I’ve been spending extra time in the kitchen.  Why?  Because there are so many cool and amazingly genius products out there to get your kitchen organized and whipped into shape!  

I’m thinking I might not be the only person on a cleaning/organizing quest this time of year, so I thought I’d share a few of my favorite kitchen organization tools.  I included some fun stuff that will help you corral clutter everywhere from the kitchen sink to the cabinets and countertops!

Get a Sidekick for Dish Duty

sinkology sidekick

I’m leading off with something I’ve had for the last two years that has become a must-have item in my kitchen — Sinkology’s Sidekick sponge assistant. This ingenious product uses a heavy-duty magnet to attach a sponge holder to the **inside** of your sink.  It stays out of sight and keeps your sponge off the countertop or the bottom of your sink, where it can collect bacteria.  Whether you have a copper sink or not, this product is a lifesaver when it comes to easily storing your sink sponge within reach.


Tame the Jungle of Cords

Native Union Eclipse Charger

How many devices do you have charging on your kitchen counter top?  We’ve always got at least 2 or 3 things charging and the cords drive. me. insane.  They’re always tangled up with one another and they seem to expand to about 4 miles long, taking up alllll the counter space.  I’ve tried several things to tame the cords, but they were always bulky or less than stylish looking.  As I was searching for a way to nix this problem, I found Native Union’s Eclipse Charger.  It’s a 3-port USB charger that actually has a place to store excess cords, so they’re hidden and out of the way.  Hallejuiah!  Plus, it comes in a variety of stylish finishes, so you can leave it on your counter and discreetly charge your devices.  Problem solved!


Don’t Let Paper Pile Up

Pottery Barn Mail Organizer

Despite my best intentions at the start of any given week, my counter top is usually cluttered with mail by the week’s end.  Junk mail, catalogs, bills…everything ends up in one big pile that I swear to myself I’ll look at eventually.  I’ve decided to turn over a new leaf and things have been going well so far!  The minute I bring the mail inside, I stop by the trash can and throw out anything I don’t need.  I sort the rest into two piles: things for me to deal with and things for my husband to deal with.  From there, it’s going in this fun galvanized desk organizer from Pottery Barn.  It has two slots to sort papers, plus you can keep random pens, pencils and even iPads all in one place.  I don’t want to take up a ton of space on the counter.  This organizer has a fairly small footprint, so it can easily be tucked into a corner.  This routine has definitely helped me manage the paper clutter in the kitchen, which leaves more counter space open for dirty socks and Legos (thanks kids)!

Get a Handle On Your Lids

Pot lids are another problem for me.  Right now, I just have them all stacked up on a shelf in one of my cabinets.  No rhyme or reason to their organization and, when I start rummaging around for the lid I need, everything falls out of the cabinet.  I actually ended up denting a lid the other day because it fell out of the cabinet…grrrr!  Not surprisingly, The Container Store has plenty of lid solutions!  I may need to invest in this over-the-cabinet pot lid holder.  I love how it makes use of the space on the back of your cabinet door, freeing up more space in the cabinet.  They also have a pull-out version that would be great for cutting boards or sheet pans!

Maximize Drawer Space

As I continued to clean and organize my kitchen, one thing became very clear — in addition to not utilizing cabinet space well, I was also not making the most of my drawer space.  My cutlery and utensils were scattered about, which made it tough to find what I was looking for.  So frustrating!  I invested in several expandable utensil trays like this one from Bed, Bath & Beyond.  I have pretty wide drawers and these trays expand to fit…so you can use every inch of drawer space.  I ended up purchasing a couple of these for my office, too…they’re perfect for organizing supplies!

What are your go-to products or strategies for kitchen organization?  I’d love to know considering I’m only about halfway through my kitchen spring clean!  Tag @Sinkology and @FarmhouseRedefined on Instagram and share what’s working for you.  Happy Organizing, Friends!


If you have any additional questions during your search for the perfect copper, fireclay farmhouse sink or granite sink, our Sinkologists are here to help. Contact us or follow us on FacebookHouzzPinterest, or Instagram for more helpful tips and design ideas.

The post Organized Home: Favorite Kitchen Organization Finds (KonMari Style!) appeared first on Sinkology.

source http://www.sinkology.com/blog/favorite-kitchen-organization-finds-konmari/

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