Wednesday, May 11, 2022

2022 Buyer’s Guide: Kitchen Faucets

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We wrap up the kitchen portion of our Buyer’s Guide series with one last finishing touch: the kitchen faucet. Arguably one of the most eye-catching pieces in a kitchen, outside of the sink of course, the faucet has the power to bring beautiful, functional style to the kitchen. The thing is, there are many types of faucets available today. And with so many to choose from, it can be hard to pick just one. Today, we share three tips to help you narrow your search.

white sink with flowers and gold faucet

1. Find the right fit first.

Before you fall for one particular faucet, let’s talk about mounting style. If you found your perfect kitchen sink years ago or love your current countertop and want to simply trade out your existing faucet, you’ll need to choose a faucet that has the same number of mounting holes. You might not have noticed this before, but faucets come in one-hole settings, two-hole, three, or even more. When you work with what you’ve got, this can be an easy – and inexpensive – upgrade.

Have your eyes on a sleeker sink style with fewer mounting holes? The good news is that you can still replace your faucet without having to make any other major upgrades. Many new faucets on the market come with an escutcheon plate, aka a deck plate at the base, that will cover up any unnecessary holes for a single-handled faucet style.

white workstation sink with black faucet and cutting board.

2. Next, figure out the best functionality for you.

Picture how you’ll use your sink every day. You’ll want to choose a faucet that will work with you, not against you.

If you tend to have your hands full, go for a single-handed faucet. This design allows you to easily operate the faucet while working with your other hand. We love how it keeps the faucet cleaner and your hands freer. It’s no wonder that this is the most popular type today. Even better? There are even hands-free faucets that feature an activated sensor for totally touchless use.

If precise temperature control is more important to you, look for a double-handled faucet. With one knob dedicated to hot water and another purely for cold, you can get better, more customized temperature adjustment.

Turner White fireclay kitchen sink with gold faucet

3. Finally, it’s time to style.

Like we discussed in last week’s post on kitchen sink drains, when shopping for a kitchen accessory, it’s important to coordinate materials and finishes with the entire space. Even if your drawer pulls are matte black and your fridge is stainless steel, keep the drain and faucet finish consistent.

With that in mind, you have the freedom to show your personal style, from traditional with elegant curves to sleek and modern with an impressive spout height. No matter what style you choose, you’ll want to select a sink faucet that will withstand the test of time. You can trust that every Sinkology All-In-One Kit includes a quality faucet that will look great and work well for years to come.  

We hope this Buyer’s Guide has helped you put the finishing touches on your kitchen sink. If you have specific questions about our kitchen sinks and accessories, contact us.  


If you have any additional questions during your search for the perfect copper, fireclay farmhouse sink or crafted stainless steel sink, our Sinkologists are here to help. Contact us or follow us on FacebookHouzzPinterestInstagram, or TikTok for more helpful tips and design ideas.

The post 2022 Buyer’s Guide: Kitchen Faucets appeared first on Sinkology.


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